onsdag 20 februari 2013

Remote desktop on my Raspberry Pi

Since I don't have a screen a hdmi-cable and no TV I've used to just acces my Pi from an ssh shell in my terminal. I don't have any practical use of accessing my raspberry visually, when all functionality I need can be used through the terminal. When I first started my Pi i disabled the X-system so it should not use unnecessary resources.

I did it anyway, just for fun. Here's how:

First i installed a vnc-server on the raspberry pi according to this tutorial (on my Raspberry Pi).
sudo apt-get install tightvncserver

Then to run the server i simpli ran
vncserver :1 -geometry 640x480 -depth 24

That was not according to the video but it worked anyway. It started a x-server on :1 with the given dimensions and a color depth of 24 bits. Now with the server up and running all I had to do was to connect to it from my laptop.

To get the ip-adress from my Pi i used ifconfig.


According to this link, the standard vnc-server for Ubuntu (that I use) is vinagre. So I installed it (on my desktop computer):

sudo apt-get install vinagre

And then start it. Configurations was quite self-explainatory. Here's how it looks

 And tataaaa! A running vnc-client on my desktop.

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