I felt a bit lost when switching from eclipse to the Android Studio environment. Also i found it difficult to interpret the documentations and tutorials i found online that tried to explain how to setup android studio projects. After struggling for a while i decided to learn to compile a project with the terminal first to get a grip around what was happening in the background, and then the pieces started to fall in place.
First of i added the gradle and the ndk-build to the PATH variable. The path variable is a environment variable (both in Linux and Windows) that tells the environment which programs can be executed. Here is a bit discussion that i found about it. You fix it by adding som lines in your ~/.bashrc file. This makes it possible to be able to run grandle without specifying the path on every call. I did the same for ndk-build that is located in the native sdk folder.
Create a project
If you do not already have a project select File → New → New Project... and create a project that suits for you. Alternative you can import an eclipse project by selecting File → New → Import project... Some things will differ, as i will mention in the text.
Add a jni folder to your project.
In your project explorer (probably on your left) right-click on "app" then go to New → Folder → New JNI Folder ... Select it and create a folder. Note that if you are in Android-mode (the text "android" is visible above the explorer) it might work different, but den just press the drop down menu (with the text android) and select "project".
Include library files into your project
Android studio will automatically call ndk-build in the jni-folder, so what you will have to do is to simply include your library into your code. The fastest way I found is to simply add this to your app/build.gradle
android {
... //old code
sourceSets.main {
jni.srcDirs = [] //This prevents the auto generation of Android.mk
jniLibs.srcDir 'src/main/libs' //this is not necesary unless you have precompiled libraries in your project
You could do a bit more fancy stuff to match to different types of processors, but that will do for now.
If you have imported from a eclipse project you probably have a part in your grandle script that says "ndk {... }". I use to remove this statement because otherwise grandle will complain about duplicate libraries. An other alternative is to remove the jniLibs.srcDir statement above, it seems to have a similar effect effect.
I have also noticed that when importing from an eclipse project, Android Studio puts the old files in app/jniLib/... This caused a error message for me that confused me at first, but the solution was to simply remove the old copied so-files (the ones in app/jniLib) because new ones will be generated anyway.
Create some source files
Because the ndk-build
Lazy way to discover function names
You need to come up with a name that reflect the native functions. However if you are a bet lazy, like me you could just run the program, without implementing the right functions and then look for a error message like this in logcat.
then you know what to call your function.
Here is some more good resources